@Hadri | 2020-01-16

An interesting video to understand the basis of P vs NP problem


Hopefully Tau will bring us one step closer to resolving these problems !

Coincidentally, the last quote of the video, from Jack Kerouac, fully applies to Tauchain and its complexity :

"One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple"

Topic replies

Re:An interesting video to understand the basis of P vs NP problem @capitanart 2020-01-17

I just read that the cryptographic keys are based on an NP = completenes problem. This means that solving the question P = NP is good and not so good for other things. Can we be willing to lose all our capital?

@Hadri 2020-01-17 ( Edited )

Yeah, I hope that creating cryptographic keys that are not crackable is also a NP problem :p But my guess is that new security process will emerge as we discover how to bypass the older ones, that's how it has always been. Besides, note that there are problems which complexity is outside of PSPACE (so more complex than NP). They may be in EXP (like "what is the best move in chess"), EXPSPACE, ... Cryptographic solutions might ultimately move to these complexity spaces.