Tau Meta Language and the notion of Fixed Point

  1. Tau Meta Language and the notion of Fixed Point


Tau Meta Language is very unique in how it works. Each TML program is described as a loop without an arbitrary stopping condition. This is the case because the states of computation are finite. So a TML program merely defines what happens within a single iteration or "instance".

The loop continues until

S ∨ F

A) Two consecutive iterations return the same result (this means success)

i+(1).. i++(1).. S

B) Two non-consequetive iterations return the same result (this means fail)

i+(1).. i++(x).. i+++(1).. F

There can only ever be two possibilities so in essence this is boolean, an either or situation. A represents a Fixed Point which indicates the result is final because the state of the computation has not changed after two consequentive iterations.

To put it more precisely, if a loop ever has a length greater than 1 then it is a fail.

Partial fixed point requires ORDERED structures such as an ordered set. This allows for P-SPACE complexity to be recovered.
